
After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks eliminated traditional military ranks. Ranks were re-established in 1935, but without any generals, because of the Red Army commanders’ lasting resentment toward those pre-revolutionary Russian generals who had joined the counterrevolutionary White Army during the Civil War of 1918-1921. Between 1935 and 1940, the Soviet Army was led by a hierarchy of “commanders.” In 1940, however, on the eve of World War II, Stalin reconstituted the traditional corps of generals.

Comdiv is the abbreviation of a Soviet Army and Air Force rank from 1935 to 1940, Komandujuschij divisiei (Division Commander), which was higher than the rank of Combrig but lower than the rank of Comcor. After the reintroduction of traditional ranks for Generals in 1940, most Comdivs became Major Generals.